What You Should Know About Sharks
Want to be really prepared for your experience at One Ocean Diving? Or if you’ve been diving with One Ocean Diving and want to learn more or share that information with friends then check out Oceans Ramsey’s new book on Shark Language, Social behavior, Human interactions, and Life saving information. ” This is must read for anyone that likes sharks. Now available through Amazon.Com in full color with images by @JuanSharks Juan Oliphant. You can also call to order your signed copy to pick up in person if you’re planning to come dive with sharks in Hawaii soon.
More information on @OneOceanSharks Shark ID program and specific sharks available at OneOceanResearch.Org or OneOceanSharks.Com.

Saving Jaws
Biologist Ocean Ramsey (“Shark Whisper”) credits her connection with sharks to years of research, but others feel it’s something more. Join Ocean and a team of biologists as they travel the globe trying to halt their looming extinction.