Help Our Cause to Save Sharks and Marine Life
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals of saving sharks and marine animals through direct action and educational efforts. Your generous donation is also tax-deductible through our parent non-profit Save The Sea Turtles International 501c3
#99-0344723 established in 1988 in Haleiwa, Oahu.
Sponsor a Sea Life Saving swim and you will help us to directly Save The Reef, Save The Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Whales, Sharks, Fish, and all other marine life who suffer and die due to entanglement and plastic ingestion.
Support our research and conservation by adopting a shark by donating with a message for @oneoceansharks in support of @OneOceanResearch
Donating will also help support @OneOceanConservation reef and beach clean-ups and social campaigns and
@OneOceanEducation provides guest lectures, toys, conservation stickers, and educational materials for students interested in science and conservation.
You can also help support us by shopping with #AmazonSmile and selecting Save The Sea Turtles International every time you shop on #Amazon