Current Projects
One Ocean Research is a platform for collaborative research, and has several different ongoing projects. We study shark behavior, specifics on body language and it’s relation and change in the presence of humans and other animals, environmental conditions and other quantifiable and qualitative variables. We also provide independent testing for non-lethal mitigation devices also known as shark deterrents.
When you come out with @oneoceandiving ask your guiding biologist or naturalist about the current trends in correlating variables or which individual sharks have been present recently. We record all of our data everyday while on board and would love to share and answer your questions. The data set is also available for select collaborative research and conservation initiatives and has supported multiple master’s student’s research projects. Check out our Shark ID division @oneoceansharks and its unique combination and use of social media, apps, and searchable hashtags to accurately catalog and easily reference ID’s. We make a conscious effort to minimize our behavioral impact as much as possible while collecting our data and utilize noninvasive research techniques to observe monitor, and document local shark populations.
Photo Identification
We have cataloged over 200 different individual sharks of multiple species based on unique scars, markings, and natural deformities. Becoming familiar with individuals within the population reveals new insights in terms of timing of seasonal movements, behavioral tendencies, and dominance patterns. Photogrammetry (Green laser tool) is also utilized to obtain the approximate length of the animal and compared over time.
Seasonal Migration Patterns
Seasonal shifts in species and abundance occur throughout the year, and the timing of these shifts is analyzed in combination with abiotic factors such as air temperature, water temperature, pressure systems, moon phase, swell, wind and more to reveal patterns of movement and habitat use among semi-residential species.
Population Dynamics
We survey multiple aggregation sites for a variety of species. There are over 40 species of sharks found in Hawaiian waters but we predominantly see sandbar and Galapagos sharks on our dives with the occasional tiger shark or scalloped hammerhead. The population trend for observed species is in decline.
Behavioral Studies
Video footage is taken on every dive as a behavioral reference, and later analyzed to document and track agnostic behavior and territorial displays to help facilitate more positive interactions and. Core behaviors documented include chasing, following, parallel swimming, pectoral dropping, dorsal arching, jaw gaping, checking, and gill popping.